
The sun – the sole source of light and warmth – was worshipped by tribes and peoples from all over the world. The Babylonians praised Shamash, the Egyptians – Ra and Horus, and the Aztecs – Huitzilopochtli. Our logo portrays the Greek solar deity, Helios. As it did in the past, the sun still symbolises infinity, new beginnings, vitality, youth, truth, enlightenment, justice, wisdom, intelligence, free will, happiness, success, and hope.

These are the qualities which all young people should strive to introduce into their own lives. The motto – “Vive Moribus Praeteritis, Loquere Verbis Praesentibus,” live by the habits of the past, speak with the words of the present – is inscribed into our logo, written around the image of Helios, for it points towards one of the main educational goals that we have set for ourselves – to cultivate both tradition and an openness to the world.